As much of the Northeast hunkers down for the impending blizzard, it’s important to make sure our furry friends are also safe and warm. If the weather forecasts hold true, we could be in for some potentially dangerous weather. And if it’s too dangerous for us, it’s too dangerous for our pet as well. Please help us protect pets from cold weather dangers and keep them safe, happy and healthy during the storm with these tips from ASPCA experts:
- Pets should stay indoors as much as possible during winter months, but this is especially true with the impending storm – please bring them inside immediately, and limit their time outside for brief bathroom trips through the duration of the storm.
- When they do go out, make sure they’re prepared: depending on their breed, coat thickness and size – they may need a coat. If they have sensitive paws, make sure they’re wearing their booties. And ALWAYS walk them with their leash, collar and ID tag in case the unthinkable happens.
- Once you’ve brought them back inside after doing their business, clean them off. Make sure to towel dry your pet right away, paying special attention to their paws, paw pads and the spaces between their toes, because …
- Winter walks can turn dangerous quickly if chemicals from ice-melting agents are licked off legs and paws. Be sure to secure winter weather products like anti-freeze and ice melts, keeping them out of your pet’s reach.
- If you see a pet in distress, report it. If you’re in NYC and you see an animal without adequate shelter, food or water, please call 311. If you see animal cruelty in progress, call 911. Those outside of NYC should contact their local law enforcement or animal control, depending on the municipality.