In Memory of Scout ScoutersonScout Scouterson.
For 15 years I said your name, oh maybe 100 times a day. Now when I do, it’s mostly in my head. When I talk about you, people get a little nervous and think that I might cry. They are right.
When I found you, I was so ready to have a little dog in my home. I needed someone to take care of, and keep me company. But you had your own agenda. I wanted to let you know now, that I got it Scout and you did your job. Thank you for teaching me these things:
That waking up each day is a fresh chance to be happy
That a park, at first light with snow-packed sidewalks and flickering streetlights can be magical
That everyone is worth checking out at a least once
That’s its okay to wag in front of strangers
That when you love someone, a meaningful glance is all you need
That when you can’t chase the ball anymore, there is still so much to enjoy
For all these things, and all of the joy that we shared. Thank you my love.
Your picture is hanging over my desk now.
But it’s really there more for visitors. I don’t need a reminder of the feel of the curve of your sweet head against my hand, your delicious brown eyes or the swish of your tail.
Scout, I’ll say your name again out loud – when I get to the Bridge, so keep an ear out Bud, I’ll be the one with my arms wide open.