Labor Day weekend is finally here, NYC! Of course we have another adoptable dog for your viewing pleasure. Meet miss Cecee. She is black and white is a Rat Terrier mix.
Cece is a very loving 1 1/2 year old. She weighs just 10 pounds and is full-grown. The nice people at Bideawee say that she can be very timid at first but once she bonds with someone, it is game on! This little mini needs time and space to get to know you, as Cecee has been known to snap out of fear if you overstepped her boundaries. For this reason, her ideal home would be one with an experienced family with children over age 12. Due to her initial fear issues, her new family will need work on building her confidence through handling and socialization.
We’re told she seems to be housebroken for the most part. Did we mention she also has a fun little habit, too? Apparently she will start to howl like a wolf when her human companion does the same! Now how adorable is that? Cecee gets along with most other calm, smaller dogs, and she seems to be friendly with cats as well.