Every moment you spend with your dog IS a training moment . . . your dog watching you is the foundation for everything else. In the canine world, eye contact translates to control just as in our world it translates to paying attention or even a greeting. Here’s an easy way to practice working on this.
When you are just hanging out with your dog and you happen to notice that they are looking at you, and (not at a treat in your hand), say a word that will act as a cue, like “watch me”, “look”, or “eyes”, “focus”, then quick, follow up with a treat (faded out once the dog learns the cue) and a loving pat (if your dog enjoys this, as this will be the “treat” in the future).
For the treat – use something the dog perceives as really yummy; you can use their normal food if they really love it (but also make sure the “treat” is not filled with chemical preservatives, food colorings, flavorings & sweeteners) .
Keep it simple by using only one or two words and keep it consistent by using the same word or phrase each time. Later, as your pup correlates the cue with the action- you can start using the cue in a sentence. Voila! You are now teaching your dog English as a Second Language. Good work, it’s your Daily Bone from Jeanine’s Professional Dog Training.
Shopping for all natural dog treats? Check our Food and Supplies page for local retailers that carry healthy snacks!