If you have dogs or other pets in the house,
there is no doubt about it there will be the occasional accident, spill or mishap with organic material. Our’s is a two dog, three cat household and well, things happen. When they do, our go to product is Nature’s Miracle. It’s comprised of some secret enzymes that really do work to eliminate stains and odors.
A couple of quick tips on using this fabulous potion:
Don’t dilute! Use it full strength. If it’s a urine problem, blot the area dry first. Saturate a clean cloth and then apply to the area. Try to soak the problem zone so that its covered with the liquid. If you can air dry great. If you have tile, allow the product to seep into the grout.
Patch test on wool carpets. The bottle says don’t use on wool, but we’ve done it successfully. Test your rug first to be sure.
Same goes for fabric, patch test and then soak the stained area. Nature’s Miracle will neutralize the odor and remove the stain!
We used to buy the small bottle but have graduated to the jug. It’s cheaper in quantity – and we are less likely to run out. You can find Nature’s Miracle at Pet Supermarket and other pet supply stores.
Good luck!