Smitty is a heartwarming family story about how a young boy’s life is turned around by the love of a dog. Starring two Academy Award winners (Mira Sorvino and Lou Gossett Jr.) and four-time Academy Award nominee Peter Fonda. SMITTY also offers a great supporting cast, including Jason London, Lolita Davidovitch, Brandon Tyler Russell and Boo Boo Stewart from the new Twilight movie. Award winning director David Mickey Evans (“Radio Flyer,” “The Sandlot,” and “Beethoven” movies) is creating a new studio family film franchise.
You can help our local rescue group: LRROF
(Laborador Retreiver Rescue of Florida) by visiting and voting for LRROF. The group may be mentioned in the movie and if we can get enough votes will be eligible for prizes – to help rescue dogs.
Good for TriCoast productions for producing a family friendly movie to educate and inform about the benefits of adoption.