Our neighbors Bill and Sal, recently brought home a new puppy. Retired, with lots of time on their hands for a puppy – Dolly the Yorkie puppy is swaddled with love and adoration. Sal’s sister is a frequent visitor, and spends lots of time walking and playing with the puppy, and even brings the pup home with her from time to time.
So, when our neighbors needed to go out of town, it was a natural for Dolly to stay with her Aunt. But for Dolly it wasn’t that easy. After the first day – she didn’t want to eat. Auntie called our neighbors, now in North Carolina to let them know and see what to do. We checked with Suzanne Quick from Yorkies by Suzie Q, here in Bradenton, to see what she thought:
“Puppies, especially small dog breeds can be very sensitive. Making the transition to a new home is a slow process and of course is different for each individual dog. To help ease this and calm dogs, I provide each new puppy with NutriCal. It’s really like a meat flavored gel, filled with nutrients – and helps stimulate puppy’s appetites. I’ve been working with Yorkie pups for more than 20 years and this is a tried and true product. Of course, each puppy is unique and you will always want to check with your own veterinarian”
Dolly’s Aunt tried the NutriCal, by just touching a dime’s worth on the roof of the pup’s mouth – and sure enough she started eating again. Thanks to Suzanne Quick for this great tip on small breed puppies and their drama!