By Alisha Corsi One of the brightest dogs in the world, Shetland Sheepdogs, or “Shelties” as they are more commonly called, are known for their keen sense of intelligence and intense loyalty (think of a smaller version of Lassie). As athletic as they are smart, Shelties excel in agility and herding competitions, but are most […]
Breed Profile: Shih Tzu
by Lauren R. Tharp The Shih Tzu or “Shitzu” (pronounced as Sheet-zoo)was originally the dog of choice for the royals in the Ming Dynasty. During World War II the dog was discovered by soldiers in England and has quickly became a favorite house pet here in the US. More than 20 years later, the AKC […]
Breed Profile: Pugs
by Lauren R. Tharp Rumored to have first appeared before 400 B.C., the Pug is one of the world’s oldest dog breeds. Originating in Asia, the Pug shares a similar bloodline to that of the Pekingese. People pleasers by nature, the Pug reigns as the 12th most popular dog breed in the United States (according […]
Breed Profile: Jack Russell Terrier
By Lauren R. Tharp The original “purse dog!” Long before Paris Hilton was stuffing Chihuahuas into her handbag, Jack Russell Terriers were being toted around in “terrier bags” while their owners traveled around on horseback. Originally bred in England, the Jack Russell evolved to its current form in Australia. This faithful outdoorsy breed was first […]