Sixty one seconds of zen. A dog, the sand, the water. A stick, a stone, the life, the joy. Served up from our friend Suzanne Marshall and her four footed muse, Abby. Enjoy, it’s your daily bone.
The Daily Bone
Stephen Huneck’s Dog Mountain
To most of us, art means expression. Communication of an idea, emotion, or a story. Most accomplished artists excel in one modality. Stephen Huneck, writer, wood carver, builder and painter gifted the world with his ideas through a panoply of work. Centering on dogs, Stephen was able to embody his love for them through creation […]
Pretty Pet Friendly by Julia Szabo
Sarasota Dog chats with Julia Szabo, syndicated columnist and national pet writer about her new book: Pretty Pet Friendly: Easy Ways to keep Spot’s Digs Stylish and Spotless. Julia shares her tips and ideas for making your home comfortable for you and your pet. Click on the headline to hear the interview
Dogged Pursuit – My Year of Competing Dusty, the World’s Least Likely Agility Dog
Resale shopping for doggie gear online
A new online resale shop for dogs offers not only discounted prices for clothes, beds and accessories, but also a way to recycle your those items that may no longer work for your pooch. We talked with‘s founder, Carey Jackson about her new business and how consumers can benefit from shopping in their pajamas […]