One of the oldest breed of dogs in the world, Siberian Huskies originate from Siberia, where they were bred to pull heavy loads across harsh, freezing conditions. Once they made it to Alaska during the Gold Nome Rush, Huskies became famous for their dog sledding abilities, but did you know that their outgoing and gentle […]
dog breed
Breed Profile: Puggle
Breed Profile: Great Dane
Known as the “Apollo of all dogs,” Great Danes are a very old breed dating back to the ancient Egyptians and Chinese. Drawings of dogs resembling the Great Dane appear on Egyptian monuments and currency from 3000 B.C., and descriptions a similar dog can be found in Chinese literature from 1121 B.C. With their huge […]
Breed Profile: Boston Terrier
By Alisha Corsi With their refined personalities and dapper tuxedo markings, Boston Terriers are known as the “American Gentlemen” of dog breeds. Originating in the stables of Boston (where else would they?), Boston Terriers were the first US breed to be recognized by the American Kennel Club, making them the all-American dog! Physical Traits Size […]
Breed Profile: American Cocker Spaniel
By Lauren Tharpe With their ever-wagging tails and bubbly personalities, it’s no wonder that the American Cocker Spaniel has held the title of America’s most popular breed for a total of 18 years! Their love for people and animals has endeared them to several presidents, including Richard Nixon (who could forget his famous “Checkers Speech”), […]